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How we calculate 'MEOWSCORE'

All reviews are subjective and reviewers assign ratings based on their individual scale/metrics. The idea behind this project is to distil all the rankings and ratings into a single score that represents the consensus of the experts. This is the MEOWSCORE – an average score derived from these experts’ product ratings/rankings.

We do not apply any weighting as we place equal importance to each reviewer regardless of the number of followers/views etc.

Reviews that do not offer rankings/scores are not included in the scoring process.

To ensure that the score has meaning we only display Meowscores for products with a minimum of 3 reviews. Please refer to the database for products with less than 3 reviews. These are in gray.

Review links are provided where available.

Since we score based on 0 to 100 all ratings are converted accordingly.

Notes on some source ranking methodology:

Gizaudio – this is based on Timmy’s Personal Enjoyment Ranking  

Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews – older rankings are from HBB’s Google docs rankings. Since he changed his ranking system, we converted it to a scale was created with his approval. In cases where he ranks an item in between his rating, we take the average difference in score. For example if an IEM is ranked between Hype It and Buy It we will score it as 90.

Rating                                 Conversion

Hype It                                       95

I’d buy It                                     85

Competes with Peerz              75

Coping? Working!                     55

Hope It Was Free                      30

Dumpster Fire                             0

AndyAudioVault – from Andy’s Google docs rankings

In-ear Fetish – rating can be found in Zeos’ product description on Youtube on a scale of 0 to 10

Super* Reviews – Mark scores on a scale of 0 to 5 stars so we convert that to 0 to 100.

Headfonics – ratings done within the year are from the writing team. Any reviews from previous years are based on reader scores. However, our scores will be as is and we won’t change to readers’ scores when Headfonics switches for resource management reasons.